
The Dolomites are part of the UNESCO heritage, but mostly our second home.
The Dolomites are so unique that you can see them from Venice if the sky is clear.
The Dolomites are a hike looking at the sky with no fear to get lost.
The Dolomites are vertical adventures hanging on a rope of a climbing partner.
The Dolomites are a pair of ski that go up and then marking the fresh snow.
The Dolomites are a hut full of people sitting on a table talking different languages.
The Dolomites are the effort that it takes to run a cottage, but what about that delicious cheese…
The Dolomites are a train to Calalzo or Feltre caught on the fly.
The Dolomites are spectacular if seen from an airplane that’s flying you home.
The Dolomites are elegant like violins, a melody in the thick forest.
The Dolomites are a picture of a happy family in August.
The Dolomites are an old book with yellow pages.
The Dolomites are a close-up portrait and a wide scenery at the same time.
The Dolomites are a sunset date on the roof of a hut.
The Dolomites are both dawn and sunset.
The Dolomites are sitting on a bench waiting for no one.
The Dolomites are casual meetings.
The Dolomites are a glass of wine with friends, lots of chatting and smiling.
The Dolomites are walking barefoot on fields and pastures.
The Dolomites are a pair of striped socks and inherited mountain boots.
The Dolomites are a pair of traction cleats that get into the thin ice.
The Dolomites are the wait of a breeze, the right air stream for paragliding.
The Dolomites are a crazy bath in the freezing water of a high mountain lake.
The Dolomites are flowers in spring and leaves in autumn.
The Dolomites are bending trees with lots of snow on their branches.
The Dolomites are the sun shining on the edges of the peaks.
The Dolomites are all the colors but also black and white.
The Dolomites are a dot, a straight line, a level curve, a circular route.